

Stay Informed | Stay Current | Stay Default Free

教育部为学生创建了一个数据库来管理他们的联邦教育贷款. 请点击 在这里 to be taken to the Federal Student Aid (FSA) website. You must login with your FSA ID. 数据库中包含了所有联邦学生贷款,这些贷款来自所有就读的高等教育机构. FSA网站include any Private or Alternative loans taken to supplement the cost of education. Parent PLUS贷款数据也包含在FSA数据库中,并将使用家长的FSA ID在家长的名下找到.




贷款退出咨询是由教育部创建并要求的在线教程. 你必须在离开学校或中途退学时完成离校咨询. 退出咨询的目的是确保你了解你的学生贷款义务,并准备偿还.



By completing 出口咨询, you 将 learn about what your federal student loan payments 将 look like after school. 教育部还推荐了一种最适合你未来计划和目标的还款策略.


教育部为学生创建了一个数据库来管理他们的联邦教育贷款. 请点击 在这里 to be taken to the Federal Student Aid website. Access requires the student’s FSA ID. 数据库中包含了所有联邦学生贷款,这些贷款来自所有就读的高等教育机构. FSA网站 include any Private | Alternative loans taken to supplement the cost of education. Parent PLUS贷款数据也包含在FSA数据库中,并将使用家长的FSA ID在家长的名下找到.



工作人员ord and PLUS loan payments are always made to your 贷款服务机构 (not to the university you attended). To find out who is servicing your loans click 在这里.

The Department of Education offers several repayment plan options. For information on Federal student loan repayment options click 在这里.

Before you contact your 贷款服务机构 to discuss repayment plans, you can use the Department of Education’s 贷款模拟器 为了尽早了解您可能有资格获得哪些还款计划,并了解您每月和总体支付的估计金额.


私人:可选择的贷款付款将汇给您贷款的贷款人. 如果你向多个贷方贷款,你将不得不分别向每个贷方付款(除非你合并它们)。. Repayment terms are typically determined at the time the loan is originated. 另外, 没有像联邦学生贷款那样的中央数据库来追踪你所有的私人贷款.

If you are not sure what the repayment terms are for the loan(s) you have outstanding, contact the lender immediately. 还要检查你的邮件和电子邮件,因为你的贷方可能会试图与你联系. 不要忽视你的贷款人,因为这样做会导致拖欠,并可能对你的信用产生负面影响.

Finding the Repayment Plan for You


Breaks down your loan balance into monthly payments of at least $50 for up to 10 years. 一般来说,这是你在利息支付上花费最少的计划. For complete information, click 在这里.

If your 收入 is low now, but you expect it to increase steadily over time, this plan may be right for you. Payments start out low and increase every 2 years for up to 10 years. IMPORTANT NOTE: Under 毕业 you pay more in interest over time than if you selected 标准 Repayment. For complete information, click 在这里.

扩展 allows you to “extend” the repayment period from 10 years to up to 25 years. IMPORTANT NOTE: Under 扩展 you pay more in interest over time than if you selected 标准 Repayment. 这个计划最适合那些贷款负担太大,无法在短短10年内承担标准月供的借款人. For complete information, click 在这里.

以收入为基础的还款(IBR)旨在减少每月付款,以帮助使你的学生贷款债务可控. If you need to make lower monthly payments, this plan may be for you. To qualify for IBR, you must have a partial financial hardship. 你有一个 partial financial hardship 如果你的10年期以下符合ibr条件的联邦学生贷款需要每月支付的金额 标准 Repayment Plan is higher than the monthly amount you would be required to repay under IBR. 你的支付金额每年可能会根据你的收入和家庭规模增加或减少. Once you've initially qualified for IBR, 即使您以后不再有部分经济困难,您也可以继续根据该计划付款. IMPORTANT NOTE: Under 以收入为基础(IBR) you pay more in interest over time than if you selected 标准 Repayment. For complete information, click 在这里.

即赚即付还款计划可以帮助你每月负担得起学生贷款, 而且根据你的收入,你的月还款额通常是还款计划中最低的. IMPORTANT NOTE: Under 量入为出 you pay more in interest over time than if you selected 标准 Repayment. For complete information, click 在这里.

Income-Contingent (ICR)
收入或有还款(ICR)考虑到年收入、家庭规模以及贷款总额. If a loan balance remains after 25 years, it may be forgiven. Unlike the IBR Plan, borrowers need not be facing financial hardship to qualify. 这个计划可能对那些没有面临经济困难的借款人来说是最好的, 但其财务状况不足以承担其他还款计划下的月供. IMPORTANT NOTE: Under Income-Contingent (ICR) you pay more in interest over time than if you selected 标准 Repayment. For complete information, click 在这里.

Income-Sensitive (FFEL 贷款 ONLY)
“收入敏感”允许借款人每月支付的金额考虑到年收入. 还款期限最长可达10年,尾款不获豁免. IMPORTANT NOTE: Under Income-Sensitive you pay more in interest over time than if you selected 标准 Repayment. For complete information, click 在这里.

Private | Alternative 贷款

Most lenders do not offer repayment options. 还款期限通常在贷款开始时确定(例如:5年、10年、15年)。. If you are not sure what the repayment terms are for the loan(s) you have outstanding, contact the lender immediately.

Calculate Your Payment


Quickly calculate estimated monthly payment amounts under several repayment plans.

Private | Alternative 贷款

Most lenders do not offer repayment options. 还款期限通常在贷款开始时确定(例如:5年、10年、15年)。. If you are not sure what the repayment terms are for the loan(s) you have outstanding, contact the lender immediately.



Loan consolidation is the process of combining one or more loans into a single new loan. 合并可以通过将你的贷款集中到一张账单上来简化还款,还可以通过给你30年的还款时间来降低月供. Consolidating your loans does have RISKS along with BENEFITS. 在你提交申请之前,一定要花时间研究一下它的利弊. For program details and to start an application, click 在这里.

Private | Alternative 贷款

私人学生贷款不能与联邦学生贷款合并,但私人学生贷款可以合并为一个新的私人学生贷款. As with Federal 整合, t在这里 are both risks and benefits. Depending on your credit, 收入, 未偿债务和市场利率,你可以获得比你目前的私人贷款平均利率更低的利率. Before you decide for sure to consolidate your private student loans, take the necessary time to shop, 比较了, know whether the rate is FIXED or VARIABLE and consider the risks and benefits.

银行列表: 点击这里.


Understand how missing a loan payment can be a problem, what default means and the consequences of default. See what the Department of Education says 在这里.

Loan Deferment | Forbearance



For complete information, click 在这里.

Private | Alternative 贷款

Deferment or Forbearance opportunities vary from lender to lender. If you are having trouble making your monthly private student loan payments, 立即联系你的贷款人,询问你是否可以选择延期或延期还款. DO NOT ignore your lender if they are trying to reach you. 坦诚地告诉他们你的情况,这样他们就能更好地评估哪些选择对你有帮助.


在某些情况下,你的联邦学生贷款可以被免除、取消或免除. 点击了解更多关于原谅的类型,以及你是否符合工作或其他环境的要求 在这里.

Fresh Start Initiative

On April 6, 2022, the U.S. 教育部(ED)宣布了一项名为“新起点”的计划,旨在帮助符合条件的违约借款人. Fresh Start is a one-time temporary program from the U.S. 教育部为拖欠联邦学生贷款的借款人提供特殊福利.

If your defaulted loans are eligible, Fresh Start 将 provide you with several benefits, including access to federal student aid and credit reporting changes. You 将 also get the opportunity to get out of default and keep benefits long term. However, you need to act to claim the full benefits of Fresh Start and get out of default.

The Fresh Start period 将 end on September 30, 2024. After that date, you 将 not be able to claim these benefits.

For more information the Fresh Start Initiative click 在这里 或者去 Federal Student Aid website.
